Zongteng is committed to integrating ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategies into the entire business management chain, ensuring the full implementation of a "green, responsible, and sustainable" supply chain. We uphold our responsibilities to all stakeholders and strive to co-create a sustainable future.
We strive to promote the green and eco-friendly transformation of the entire supply chain, making progress in various aspects such as daily operations and product environmental responsibility.
Our Actions
Based on our own digitization and scale advantages, we have enhanced our end-to-end green logistics capabilities, covering core logistics links such as ordering, packaging, transportation, warehousing, and recycling. Furthermore, we have extended our green environmental protection practices to upstream and downstream enterprises, thereby supporting the low-carbon and sustainable development of the industrial and supply chains.
We aggregate small acts of kindness, fulfilling our mission in areas such as supporting education, promoting regional development, providing disaster relief, and ensuring safety and compliance.
Our Actions
Zongteng establishes long-term partnerships with customers and values the training and development of every employee. We strictly adhere to privacy and data network security compliance, adopting stringent security measures to protect customer data and ensure system availability and stability. Additionally, Zongteng places great importance on the development of education, engages in philanthropic activities, and supports the growth of students in regions such as Gansu and Yunnan.
We uphold high standards of corporate governance norms, dedicating ourselves to maintaining close communication and cooperation with shareholder, employees, and stakeholders to collectively achieve our value objectives.
Our progress
Zongteng maintains the highest level of control, and we firmly believe that sound corporate governance is essential for us to establish sustainable development for our shareholders.
Corporate management
At Zongteng, we adhere to the highest standards of corporate management, firmly believing it to be a core element of our commitment to shareholders and the achievement of sustainable development.
Strategy and Objectives
Zongteng Group integrates its philosophy into company management and business development, aligning it with the overall development strategies and goals. We are committed to becoming a responsible company for customers, employees, and society, contributing to achieving a better life and a more sustainable future.
ESG Governance Framework
Zongteng places a high emphasis on sustainable development management. Building upon a comprehensive assessment of the company's current business status and advanced best practices, it has established a top-to-bottom ESG management framework that comprehensively covers all levels of company management. This ensures the effective implementation of the company's ESG and sustainable development initiatives.
Cooperative Consultation

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*Company name


*Contact number



*Company location

*Services type

*Place of origin

*Dest ctry

*Intended fulfillment center

*Online marketplaces

*Sale category

*Product size

*Average monthly sales

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